Riding the Gnarly Wave of Life

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

procrastination nation

that's right, i have a list of "shoulds" that i am putting to the side. instead i'll eat a veggie burger, pay bills online, and nap. ahhh, napping. my arms are so sore from the workouts lately and my car is almost ready to go up north. i am going on an adventure tomorrow up to the redwoods! i have never been on a retreat...i've been on plenty of trips but this feels different. i'm gonna go frolic with the fairies and yogis....YAY! music, a huge redwood hot tub...fires, hiking, circles for talking and sharing and....and....i don't know what else! i almsot bailed on the whole thing, feeling especially vulnerable and shaky the past week or so. i have been doing a lot of inner-play/work and it has left me able to laugh and cry and emote more than ever. i cried my brains out at a meeting last night listening to a man tell his story about why he was in a wheel chair. then i came home and clicked on the rest of my payment for the retreat. done. life is too short. why spend our lives procrastinating...putting off our joy of the now? all the lessons flew in to the space usually reserved for excuses and fear. ahhhh, let's do this. we have a nation waiting for someone to do something...we have a youth putting of growing up and becoming leaders...we have ourselves. it starts there, with the only thing i can change...how i choose to be. and i choose to BE!!!! active! loving! excited! peaceful! exuberant! adventurous! open! hopeful! strong! present in this moment...i won't be part of the procrastination nation right now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

wind through the trees...

i've grown tired and disinterested in holding onto the past. it's almost as if i spent the last ten years rehashing a buch of crap instead of being present in the now. wow! that's exactly what i did. i guess we all come to our conclusions and revelations differently, but one thing is for sure. i have an arsenal of books aimed at presence. i've been cracking eckhart tolle, caroline myss m.d., deepak, and other authors regularly these days. they're my little buddies, nestled in my bag to be pulled out when i need a little hit. a little reminder to stay in the now when old habits start resurfacing. i've managed to deplane from the ssfoxpartybusinthesky2000, and now find entertainment and social sustenance in the old fashioned stuff. the stuff i loved as a kid and in brief moments as a sober adult. yes, like climbing trees in the canyon after breakfast, cartwheels on the beach and snuggling with my friends after gong ceremonies. drums and vegan muffins for birthdays instead of five gallons of booze and a bunch of regrets. it was never so bad living on the pendulum, just confusing at times when distractions melted away and i felt torn between two lifestyles.

i read a friend's blog today and had to turn away, seeing my own reflection in her words. GET OVER IT!!! it fucking happened twenty years ago and you live there instead of here now. your "self" is a ghost...how about dropping the bullshit and breathing. this seems to help a lot. i remember a time when a friend told me i didn't breathe. i'd hold my breath during massage work, take shallow inhales in everyday circumstance, and trip out on stress. it's physiologically impossible to hold onto stress while doing deep breathing. amazing...and true. one more trick to staying present when i am stuck in a life situation, while remaining in my beingness of living a little farther out of the perspective. watching the thinker has become a favorite passtime, and then silencing it like a dog. GO HOME! i commanded my thinker, and she jumped into her cage and fell promptly asleep. AHHHHH, now i can meditate in peace. sometimes the static of thinking drifts over the beingness like oil ontop of water. i imagine myself floating inward, deeper into the cool sparkling depths of the ocean and letting them slide by with acknowledgement and no attachment. it wasn't so long ago in psychological time i felt i was the thinker and that was it. i was controlled by my mind, like a robot ordered around by a super computer. suddenly it seems i have a new sense of living and being altogether, and i am taming the mind. after intense sessions i sometimes find myself rusty in the thinking department and fluid in the loving and being department. the language of the wind sliding effortlessly through the trees delights me, and the feel of sunshine touching my skin warms me. the silence of a mango thrills me to no end, offering up it's unbelievable sweetness to tastebuds...and i burst out in tears. there are no words for this gratitude, there is only gratitude that there is a beingness that needs no such thing.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


i am more love than matter. i am more light than ever. the universe conspires for the highest good of all concerned, and i've learned to align. gratitude. sweetness. i offer my prayer to the sky, to you, to allthatis, to heartspace.