Things these days....
Let me tell you about last thursday...possibly one of the better thursdays I have had in awhile. Steve and I went downtown to taste wine at the Abbey and I met a bunch of old winemakers there. This led to connections in Napa for my next trip up there and offers for private tours and blah blah blah. It was a huge event with a bunch of people in the business milling around and then a few people tray passing appetizers, tables cascading with grapes and piles of cubed cheeses, martini glasses overflowing with dried fruit, and two levels of every winery in Napa Valley. SWEET!
It was almost romanesque how people were spitting wine back into strategically placed buckets and tasting everything they could without getting too wasted. Well, some of us had that goal. Others just wanted to drink drink drink...I fell somewhere in the middle. My friend Brian used a fake nametag to get in the door and was wandering around until people started asking him all about his turns out he was wearing a nametag of a winemaker from Jarvis. He was surrounded by people asking him to explain his process and he freaked out and had to scram! I looked for him but he was gone. Too funny.
After our winefest Steve and I headed out to have a little preconcert none other than Ruth's Chris downtown. Had some steak and lobster, some delicious Etude Cabernet, creme brulee and DAMN! It was smokin'. Dinner was wonderful, and then we went to the Galactic concert with Lela and Billy. Danced our pants off..I have the blisters to prove it. All in all, wish you were there because it was quite the thursday.
In other news, my art show will be held on May 4th at Salon Radius in Del Mar. It is located across from the racetrack on Via Del La Valle road. 530-830pm. Anyone interested in getting an invitation should post their email address and I will be in touch. I have still been cranking art like a little midnight troll out in the garage. I had to take a little break for a week because I was starting to shrivel up and get white and ink stained. But honestly I cannot do enough to drain the reservoir of ideas. That is a good feeling. Hope you are all doing well...I am finally in simplicity mode for awhile and getting things underway. Ciao.