You know me. I am not a religious dogmatic fearful hypocritical being. But I do consider myself spiritual and a little bit on the open minded yet heavily critical side. I mean I don't like church. I don't dig on voodoo or black magic stuff either. Shiver. Ever since my crazy grandma tried to get me dunked in a mass lake baptism to "save my mortal soul" I have turned from anything organized or contained within walls. So I grew in the "Church of the Great Outdoors" and found communion with spirit in nature, animals, family, friends, books, the elements, the very lesson of being alive in this vehicle of a body.
I have become a person of integrated beliefs, a true cornucopia of ideologies. This has been a process stemming from a deep seeded feeling and awareness that everything is related in it's oneness and that no one really knows what happens when we die. Why should I buy into any one book or mythology that was written for ancient people and their ancient set of realities? It would be like telling the future generations after all movies were lost that the Matrix was the last written word of what is real. It makes sense to some of us now, but not all parts of the world agree. And they don't have to...but why we kill eachother over the debate over whose story is RIGHT and all this STUFF! Shit! What lessons are really pertinent here?
Scientists start a heart with a spark of energy. Auras are energy. Atoms revolve around a "sun" just like the rest of the universe and somehow this atom/galaxy could possibly explain why we don't know what the universe is expanding into...I mean have you seen What The Bleep? Vedddy veddy intedesting. I don't buy it all, but I do like a part of it. Why science and religion aren't intergrated?-- I just don't see it as two different things.
The reason for me going off on this tangent is because I have found a place here in Encinitas that was COMFORTABLE for me. Amazing, I know. I actually went to the Self Realization Fellowship on Sunday and expected the worst...guys in robes smacking people in the forehead and waving incense over yuppy-hippies and their open-minded cultish spawn. What I did find was very simple. Nice people, all faiths honored, all gods mentioned, normal people from all aspects of our culture, and some really nice meditation, singing-chanting, and WAH-lah! The first church I want to revisit.
I am not nose diving into some weirdo religion, but I feel like a dormant part of my soul came rushing out to explore more ideas without so much resignation.
There has been an element of reflection since yesterday that I have been missing with all the galavanting, parties, distractions. And it has all been serving a wonderful purpose...but my liver needs a rest and my soul needs some salt water and a moment to look within. The ocean is such a powerful force. I am taking up the pursuit of surfing because it forces me to overcome my fear of sharks and realize that I can do something that comes from the earth. Riding the Knarly Wave of Life just became a lot more clear. We start in our mother's womb floating in the dark, in the salty oasis of the amniotic sac. Now I am floating in the light in the womb of mother earth. Maybe the next step involves less physical things like water, and more light. What do you see when you meditate?
Oh and one more thing. I would never expect you to agree with me or even feel like I was pointing a finger at you. We are all on our own seperate journeys and that is all. If you have found meaning and direction and comfort in your beliefs, I think that is perfect. And me over here, I am finding some interesting things that make sense to me. Okay, I must rest. Check ya later gator!