Riding the Gnarly Wave of Life

Monday, November 12, 2007

time to say it: 2 years of procrastination and fear

i read a blog today that moved me. it contained the message: start living or start dying. the essence of it all was beauty...do we sit here and dwell in fear or do we tell someone we love them? hate them? forgive them? stop beating around the proverbial bush and put it out there. so i promptly called someone very special to me and left the true nature of my feelings on their voicemail. no games, no shield, no nothing. it felt so good to tell him...er, his voicemail...things i have longed to say for years but i never had the guts. today i have the guts..and the inspiration. nothing risked, nothing gained. release is the emotion presently...two years is a long time to NOT tell someone how you feel. i want to apologize to the author of the blog and make some peace...thanks for the inspirational gift.


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