Riding the Gnarly Wave of Life

Monday, January 14, 2008

the insolence of abstinence, part deux

recounting the evening now, it seemed so far away. indeed, it had been nearly half a year ago. the details surfaced with each sip of wine, and she worried it would stain her teeth. i wish i had white in the house, she lamented silently. infortunately it was too late to get anything else, and she bent down to the laptop. these were her favorite moments. it might even be better recounting the memories than actually making them, she thought. the screen glowed a comfortable android bluish glow. the stereo pulsed with guitar, and she thought back to that night. thingshad been awkward as soon as she made the joke about the "bloody princess". suddenly the shift in attention made everyone precarious, but it was her birthday and she hardly noticed. i'm sure the story is different from the other perspectives, but who really gives a fuck? it's her story to tell, she told herself. she still hadn't talked to her friend, and it had proven to be an incredible night on many levels. what her friend had failed to mention was that she was still interested in the musician/pirate. she told her they had smooched a few times long ago, but it was all old history. she was on to another lover. game on, then, right?

one look at the situation and she knew it wasn't over in her friend's mind. his sharp nails dug into her back as she leaned in for a forbidden kiss. the liquor and music and his musk ran through her head. he reminded her of a vampire. the kiss was warm and soft, just a slight bite on her bottom lip as he pulled away. she breathed in quickly as they parted, looking at him. i must have you, he said. suddenly it was last call and decisions had to be made. i want to play for you girls tonight, he said. she ran her tongue over her swollen lower lip and tasted a bit of his kiss. she wanted him to come in the worst way but feared the alcohol and jealousy from her friend would complicate things. besides, she was staying at her friends house overnight. they had no place to go to be alone if anything were to happen anyways, as it was a two level loft studio.

her friend pulled him into the car, telling him to come over in a velvety voice. oh fuck, she thought. what do i do now? the buzz started to kick in heavy, and she got inside the car. carpe diem....here we go!


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